Digital Participation in Scotland Network – A Strategy and Action Plan

This document outlines a broad strategy to ensure that Scotland achieves greater digital participation among its people and businesses, for the economic, financial, social, community and personal benefits this will bring. It also represents a contribution to the forthcoming 3-year UK National Plan for Digital Participation (NPDP) to be produced by an Ofcom-led Consortium, following the UK Government‟s Digital Britain report1 ; and it seeks to address the aims of that plan within the broader Scottish context.

This document was produced by the founding members of Media Literacy in Scotland Network (MLiS), a network of organisations formed at the Media Literacy Summit held at BBC Scotland in November 2008, attended by the then Minister for Europe, External Affairs and Culture, and a wide range of media literacy stakeholders. Initial draft sections were contributed by founder members of the network – Ofcom, Scottish Screen, Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS), Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and BBC Scotland – with reference to a number of existing strategies and reports. Many organisations were consulted on their views throughout the research and drafting process and we are grateful for their time and expertise. It is hoped that MLiS will grow in line with the expanded Digital Participation brief into a Digital Participation Hub that will provide co-ordination for the NPDP and other projects within Scotland. The Hub will bring together partners in policy and delivery to ensure that Digital Participation makes Scotland wealthier and fairer, smarter, healthier, safer and stronger and greener.

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